The Carol Briggs-Smalley Scholarship Award
The Carol Briggs-Smalley Scholarship Award
The International Council for Stadardisation in Haemaology ( ICSH) seeks applications from Medical Technologists and Medical Laboratory Scientists on laboratory haematology projects particularly those that are related to standardization in laboratory haematology. Projects related to standardization in cellular analysis, haemostasis, flow cytometry, haemoglobinopathies and molecular haematology are all considered to be suitable for the award. Applicants with a medical qualification or PhD are ineligible for this scholarship.
MD or DO; one or more of the following: a) Residency training in Internal Medicine or Medicine/Pediatrics b) Fellowship training in adult or pediatric Hematology (with or without Oncology)
Application Process:
Project summary (max 200 words), Project proposal (max 2 pages)m a copy of CV, Letter of support form a supervisor.