Genome Informatics Conference

Genome Informatics Conference

Category of Opportunity: 

Genome Informatics 2022 will focus on large-scale approaches for understanding the structure and biology of genomes.

The explosion in biological data has spurred an increase in the scale and sophistication of technology to analyse this information. This conference will showcase a range of methods for large genomic data set analysis, including approaches for genome assembly, sequence algorithms, variant discovery and functional genomics. Pan genome, single cell and spatial omics, as well as microbial and metagenomics methodologies will be a further focus.

This conference will bring together computational biologists, human geneticists and others working on comparative and evolutionary genomics to discuss important recent advances.

Wellcome Connecting Science will be hosting this year’s conference, in a series that alternates between Cold Spring Harbor, USA and Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK. This is the 22nd meeting in the series!

This conference will be a hybrid meeting – with onsite or virtual attendance.

Date and time
Application Deadline: 
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - 12:00